A Good Spring Clean

Posted in blogging, business, freelance, online, online advertising, revamp your website, spring clean, to do lists, virtual assistant with tags , , , , , on June 15, 2013 by tylersofficesupport

Yes I know it is nearer Summer than Spring – although the weather doesn’t seem to be on par with the seasons again this year!

I think it is good practice to at least have a good spring clean of your business once a year.

Take a good look at your website, is some of the text out of date, do you offer services not yet included, or do you think there is just too much text or not enough imagery on there?

Have you joined the world of social media – twitter, facebook, wordpress? If not, why not?  If not, add it to your spring cleaning list!

It is a good way to generate new business too.  You decide your website just isn’t working for you, spend a weekend adding, deleting, uploading, now what?  Why not tell your potential clients to come check out your new and improved website.

Can they sign up for a quarterly newsletter?  Do you have examples of your work they can take a look at?

I normally do a quick overview every three months, and see if there is anything missing.  I also update my work examples on a regular basis and if I think a particular piece of work is a good one, well that does stay centre stage for a little longer.

Its all about selling your business, your services, and your yourself.  So grab some paper and a pen and start writing that list.  You will be surprised at how many things end up on there.


Network, Network, Network!

Posted in advertising, blogging, business, freelance, networking, online, online advertising, virtual assistant with tags , , , , , , on May 13, 2013 by tylersofficesupport

I have never been one for networking, even in my personal life I don’t really network that much, so for my business needs, it really is non existent – or has been until now!

Network, Network, Network – you see it everywhere, apparently everyone is doing it and there are more and more Network Groups appearing online and around town.  As for me I am a newbie to networking.  Where do I start?  What do I do?  Who do I approach?

In my line of business I am a member of several professional bodies and they offer networking events, I read all about them, think about it and then forget it.  Well this week I am hoping to possibly attend my first networking event.  Might not get me any new clients but I will be meeting my fellow accounts people, could be good, could be bad, but at least I have made my first step into the waters of networking.

As you might be able to tell Networking is the next project on my list to get my business out there.  My blogging is becoming a bit more regular, my facebook page not so but on my list to do and my new website is coming along nicely.  Twitter is in the same pile as networking!  And I must find my business cards – put away in a safe place and not sure where that safe place is!

I think I might start small and build from there as entering a room full of business people scares the hell out of me.  I’m only a little one woman band, still in the early stages of business and still finding my feet and my confidence.  I know I can do the job but sometimes I have a wobble or two.

So lets cross our fingers and hope my first ‘network’ date goes well or I might just be put off for life and that won’t get my business out there!

Small fish in a very big pond!

Posted in advertising, blogging, business, freelance, online, paperwork, virtual assistant with tags , , , on April 30, 2013 by tylersofficesupport

Yes that’s how I feel at the moment in business – a small fish in a very big pond!

I guess most sole traders/freelancers may feel like this at some point, and today it’s my turn.  Doesn’t put me off running my own business, just makes me wonder what road to take to draw in more customers.  Feel I have been down a few of these roads already – twice!

The recession has definitely hit the small businesses, some are cutting back on using outside business for their accounts, admin and design work in favour of giving it a go themselves.  I don’t blame them, I think I would too if that wasn’t my field of work but where does it leave the businesses who offer those services.  It leaves them fighting all the other small businesses and I can tell you that is not easy!

Sometimes I wished I was more creative, wished I could make fabulous items to sell, would that be a more productive line of work compared to punching numbers into a computer system?  I guess not, as times are hard for all businesses, big or small.  Guess we just need to sit out the bad times and be patient – surely things will turn around – in the meantime, put the kettle on and enjoy a nice refreshing cup of tea before another brainstorming session.  We can do this – come on repeat after me – we can do this!

Getting your business online

Posted in advertising, blogging, business, freelance, online, online advertising, virtual assistant with tags , , , , , on April 19, 2013 by tylersofficesupport

We all know that having an online presence is a must for any business, especially one that offers virtual or remote working.  Clients that are looking for these types of services will automatically get online to find them and if you’re not there you will be the one to miss out.

As a very small business still finding their feet, the internet can offer many ways for you to advertise your business for free or at a reasonable charge – there is no need to pay thousands for the privilege if you’re only ever going to be classed as a small business, leave that to the big boys.

If you do decide to list your business for free on the various different online business directories make sure you keep your listing up-to-date!  This will help your potential customers find you and in some cases it highlights your change for all to see.  Yes it might take a while to update your listing but in the end it will be worth it if tomorrow an email drops into your inbox asking for your services.

So you can guess what I’ve been doing all afternoon – that’s right updating all my listings, only stopping to do a bit of blogging.  Next stop will be the wonder of networking – wish me luck!


Back after a short break!

Posted in business, freelance, virtual assistant with tags , , , on April 12, 2013 by tylersofficesupport

After a short break returning to the world of employment, I am now back to what I love the most, being my own boss.  Yes it can be tricky finding work, even trickier being paid on time and sometimes a bit isolated but compared to the constant office bitching, the long drive to work and always missing the postman when he has an important package to deliver, working freelance from home suits me.

I’m not being big headed but I am good at what I do and take great pride in my work, so why not use that to my advantage instead of my hard work being used for another company’s benefit.  I want to expand my expertise and provide a great service to the community of sole traders, students, busy professionals and small businesses – and if I’m lucky some larger companies too!

I’ve treated myself to new business cards and a much better related website design and spent the last week perfecting it, whilst waiting for some new software to arrive.  No doubt I’ll be spending the next month adding final touches to my website and building up a much needed portfolio.

And something I never felt happy about doing before – sharing my knowledge and expertise with others.  I have thought about that and decided that will be an area I might just dip my toes into.  I’m not saying I know it all but I did start my business from scratch with just a laptop, basic software and the internet.  Nearly four years later, a new laptop, up-to-date software, loads of ideas and a bit more confidence, I am hoping to offer a little help to all those starting out.

Chasing Payment

Posted in business, freelance, Outstanding Bills, paperwork, Payment, virtual assistant, website desgin with tags , , , on November 17, 2012 by tylersofficesupport

If someone asked me what the worst part of being self employed and running your own business was, without hesitation it would be having to chase customers for payment and I’m not talking thousands, most are under £100, so not going to break the bank!

For a month now I have been chasing payment for the other half of an invoice for a website I created.  The total price was an introductory offer, so the company got a bargain, but still, even after two reminders, and no reply from them I am still waiting.  The sales guy who arranged for me to do the work, has told me for the last three weeks, that a cheque has been written, and assumes it is in the post.  I guess postman must have it???  I know the post is bad in the UK but not that bad.

I am very tempted to remove half their website as they have only paid half, but we’ll see what next week brings.  Sadly I think this is tempting to go back to working with an employer, or maybe at least for a couple of days a week, at least then you know you’ll get paid, or its likely you will but thats another story lol!

Work In Progress

Posted in business, freelance, paperwork, virtual assistant, website desgin on October 2, 2012 by tylersofficesupport

Been a bit slow on the blogging recently, really must attempt to do a least one blog a week and let you all know how the world of business is going for Tylers Office Support.

After writing my website design blog, I decided to run a special promotion to try and draw in a few new customers and hopefully get some new design work to add to my rather empty portfolio.  The deal – website for £150 – but only 5 customers would benefit from that fantastic price and I am happy to say I have one website to start next week with a view to another one in the new year.  I’m mainly targeting start up companies or sole traders who do not have a lot of funds to work with but do need to get a platform to promote their business.

The other area of work I would like to get into would be blogs, facebook pages and twitter accounts for the same types of businesses.  I have my own blog for both my business and also a personal one for my creative writing, as well as facebook pages and twitter accounts.  The world is full of technology and everyone uses some sort of social networking site, so why not make the most of these to promote, promote, promote!

From now on Friday will be the day to blog, or hopefully it will be, if work allows.


Website Design

Posted in business, freelance, paperwork on September 13, 2012 by tylersofficesupport

Since I left college at 17, I have picked up various skills along the way, with one of those being website design and maintenance.  Not an all singing, all dancing website, just one created from a template, with added images and the right wording.  This area of work is one I really would like to get into, even if its just one or two a year for small businesses and sole traders or even a personal website, to share with family.

Having redesigned my own website a couple of months ago, I decided to put the word out, mention to a few friends, send them a link to my website and see what they thought.  Got a lot of positive feedback and a few enquiries about designing a websites.  It seems this has finally paid off and next week I start my very first website for a client, with a possibility of them wanting one created for their other business too.  Hoping my website portfolio pages start to fill up very soon, a bit empty with just mine in there.

I think my limited edition price for the first 5 customers wishing me to create a website might just have paid off!

Hello from Tylers Office Support!

Posted in business, freelance, paperwork, Uncategorized on August 30, 2012 by tylersofficesupport

After a lazy summer, not sunbathing in the garden, due to the lack fo sun, I woke up one dark miserable August morning with a new mission on my mind.  How to get my little business out there, and get more customers.

Armed with a large mug of tea, my mind buzzing with ideas, I made myself comfortable at my desk, was going to be a long but hopefully a fruitful process.  A week later, one new website, facebook and twitter pages, new business cards and a new blog, not bad if I do say so myself.

I’m not really a blog writer but thought it would give me a bit of a platform to speak my mind about life as a very small business, just being little old me, and the ups and downs of going it alone.  Which most of the time I love, it’s just the times when work is a little low, that I think about returning to life as an employee but then I quickly remember why I wanted to be my own boss and why I want to keep being my own boss for as long as I can.